Monday, April 29, 2013

Public Relations in New Media

Gone are the days of the senior public relations director who relied on the humble fax machine to send press releases to the local newspaper.  For years the Rolodex was a public relation's executive best friend, before its eventual replacement by the PDA.  Now the A-Z of contacts and professional appointments, that synchronize across multiple devices, fit snugly in your iPhone.  The Public Relations industry has undergone a radical change in the last few years, since the emergence and widespread adoption of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  As a result PR people must be at the forefront in terms of responding to technological advances and experimenting with new tools and techniques to generate ever improved results.

Coupons and company discounts can be instantly texted to loyal patrons, and new products can be quickly added to available stock online and promoted on FaceBook.  Inquiries from the media and potential clients can be answered and addressed in moments.  With all the speed that technology affords us, I can't see someone being involved in public relations without being a social media and gadget expert.

There are so many things vying for the customers attention.  Company promotion materials must be evolved, on the fly, and go where the audience is looking.  Speed is everything.

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