Monday, April 29, 2013

Boston Marathon, Social Media, and the News.

I remember, not many years ago, my life was much more sheltered than it is today.  Events that happened even just outside of my state seemed to be worlds away.  Rarely did I ever know anyone involved in any major incident, and if I did, they would never talk about it because it was such an awful thing.  

I've always been aware of the 6° of separation, how all of us are connected through people we know, but now social media has brought those connections to the forefront of daily life.  Not only do I know someone, who knows someone, who was there, but my friends comment on that eyewitnesses experience, and through my facebook feeds, I'm transported there.  An eyewitnesses account of events on a national news channel has never had the impact on me as those same testimonies given by people I personally know.  

People no longer sweep horrible experiences under the rug, wanting to shelter sad events from women and children, instead they race to be the first one to post the event on BragBook.  On one hand I'm glad I'm aware of events from around the world that effect me and my family, on the other, I miss my ignorance.

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